Products & Services

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Academic Contents

We work with prestigious academic publishers around the world to deliver high-quality content online to support teaching and research across APAC region.
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Publishing Platforms

iGroup’s publishing technology has enabled over 80 established publishers to offer quality ebooks and enhanced user experience to customers around the world.
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Technology & Productivity Tools

We provide various technology solutions from bibliographic management, literature discovery, and image checking to support productive research and innovative learning.
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Library Automation

We deliver customized LIS application, security solutions, and metadata services to ease the workflow of librarians, upgrade library services and minimize the loss of library assets.
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We improve visibility of research publications by converting them into easy-to-understand format and share them via social media, increasing the potential for citation.
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Addressing the growing needs of the K-12 market in innovative and effective digital education solutions in the area of S.T.E.E.M.S.(Science, Technology, Engineering, English/Languages, Mathematics and Social Studies).


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Libtech Source
Momentum Press
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